We would like to introduce the language training services provided by Hispaniola Caribbean Academy of Languages,intended for students who are interested in learning or improving their Spanish in the Dominican Republic. Each year we receive groups of students from different universities. Classes are combined with extracurricular activities that allow students to explore the country. Students can be hosted by local Dominican families where they will learn the culture and experience the everyday life of Dominican families. Why choose us? Our academy has more than 20 years of experience and our reputation is solid. Our teachers have extensive training and experience. We have some of the most reasonably priced programs in Latin America. We offer the best value when it comes to the overall experience that the students will return home with. In addition to our core program, we offer: excursions, dance classes, classes of Dominican history, medical Spanish,Spanish for volunteers, and more.
Oletpa sitten opiskelija, liike-elämän ammattilainen tai matkailija, Santo Domingo löytyy sinulle sopiva espanjan kielikurssi. espanjan kielikursseja löytyy kaiken tasoisille ja -ikäisille. Valitse aloittaaksesi kielikurssin tyyppi.
Yleiset espanjan kurssit ovat aikuisille, jotka haluavat parantaa puhutun, kuunnellun, luetun ja kirjoitetun espanjan kielen taito. Useimmat kielikurssit on tarkoitettu yli 16-vuotiaille aikuisille. 2 - 48 viikon espanjan intensiivikursseja tarjolla. Kielikurssien keskimääräinen opintomäärä on 30 tuntia viikossa.