Opettajamme tuovat koulumme paitsi ammatillisen kokemuksensa ja myös heidän rakkautensa englannin kieleleen. Koska jotkut opettajat ovat erinomaisia opetettaessa 1: stä 1: een ja muita, kun he ovat pienryhmän luokassa, annamme opetusta, missä he tuntevat olonsa mukavammiksi ja voivat siksi opettaa oppilaita tehokkaammin. Samoin arvostamme opettajamme yksilöllisiä taitoja ja kannustamme heitä sisällyttämään ne opetuksiin. Siksi parhaat kieliopettajamme opettavat kielioppia, parhaita kirjoittamisopettajiamme opettavat kirjoittamista ja niin edelleen. Kaikilla opettajilla on vähintään 2 vuoden opetuskokemus, kandidaatin tutkinto ja TEFL- tai TESOL-todistus.
Meillä on yksityisopetusta (yksi opiskelija opettajan kanssa), joka antaa opettajalle täyden huomion. Meillä on parhaat opettajat, kun meillä on natiiviopettajia (amerikkalaisia ja brittiläisiä) yhdessä filippiiniläisten opettajien kanssa. Meillä on yliopiston reittiohjelma (tämä on ohjelma, joka on suunniteltu opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat opiskella yhdessä huippuyliopistosta). Genius English Ammattitaideakatemia yhteistyössä tunnettujen oppilaitosten kanssa antaa kokemuksen ja tiedon siitä, että opiskelijat tarvitsevat unelmiaan. Opetamme myös TOEFL ja TOEIC, Business English, Aviation English Course Opiskelijamme tulevat eri maista (Venäjä, Japani, Saudi-Arabia, Espanja, Italia, Ranska, Mongolia, Vietnam, Kiina, Taiwan, Myanmar, Korea) parantamaan englantia. Meillä on myös erityisohjelma, jossa opiskellaan retkillä (Tutki ja tutustu Filippiinien parhaisiin paikkoihin). Meillä on majoitus koulumme sisällä. Koulumme sijaitsee meren rannalla Majoitus merinäköalalla Meillä on omat uima-altaat.
The CIA Building is located at Vistamar Avenue, Sitio Dapdap, Barangay Mactan, Lapu-lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. The campus is only 5 minutes south of Mactan New Town, and only 10 minutes north of 5-star resorts like J-Park, Bluewater Resort and White Sands Resort. The location is just 10 minutes from Mactan's most famous tourist spots for marine activities like parasailing, jet skiing, scuba diving and island hopping. With a reputation for being "Asia's ESL Gateway to the West", students can avail of three types of study concepts in courses like ESL, IELTS, TOEIC, Business English, and the CIA Working Holiday course. Families and Juniors are most welcome as they can engage in a system of study where they'll be school mates, or the parents and guardians can enroll their younglings in the CIA English Camps during the winter and summer. When it comes to the ultimate study experience, CIA provides dynamic English language instructors, and a lavish resort-style campus accompanied by terrific 24/7 services.
RICHMOND LANGUAGE ACADEMY - CUSTOMIZED ONE-ON-ONE LANGUAGE TRAINING Richmond Language Academy provides exclusive one-on-one language training delivered by highly skilled instructors specializing in second language teaching. Our task-based approach ensures that learners gain practical skills applicable in real-world situations. WHY CHOOSE RICHMOND LANGUAGE ACADEMY? 1. Tailored Learning: Fully customized, cost-effective, high-value training designed to meet your individual goals. 2. Innovative Methods: A unique blend of teaching, coaching, and neuroscience to optimize learning outcomes. 3. Comfortable Learning Environment: Lessons conducted at your accommodation or in a nearby suitable environment. 4. Expert Guidance: Collaborate with experienced language coaches and instructors to achieve your goals efficiently. 5. Real-World Practice: Learn and apply English through practical tasks like ordering at restaurants, using public transportation, and giving business presentations. OUR PREMIER PROGRAM: ENGLISH EXPOSURE PROGRAM (EEP) The English Exposure Program (EEP) is RLA’s flagship offering, designed to immerse students in practical, task-based learning. Activities include: - Talking with locals and asking for directions. - Shopping and bargaining at markets. - Hosting meetings and delivering presentations. - Confidently ordering in restaurants. Fully Customizable: The program can integrate specialized lessons such as TOEIC preparation, American accent training, business English, and more. Duration: Flexible course lengths from 1 to 4 weeks (or longer). Customization Process: Before starting, students complete an online questionnaire and attend a virtual interview to tailor the lessons. PAPERLESS LEARNING AND MATERIALS - Digital-First Approach: All course materials are provided in electronic formats (PDF, eBooks), promoting eco-friendly and paperless education. - Device Support: Tablets or other smart devices can be lent to students during the program if needed. - Post-Course Access: Students receive free electronic copies of the original learning materials after completing the program. ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS Students can choose from three accommodation tiers based on their preferences and budget, all offered by Hometel Barrio House: Budget Accommodation (Soong Center): - Standard rooms with basic amenities. - Includes free WiFi and access to nearby cafes and local stores. Midrange Accommodation (Saekyung 956 Condominium): - Comfortable condo units with a swimming pool and free WiFi. - Ideal for students seeking a balance of comfort and value. Luxury Accommodation (Tambuli Seaside Living Condo): - Premium condo units featuring resort-like amenities, including a gym, pools, and unlimited WiFi. - Offers a luxurious environment for study and relaxation. Meals: Breakfast and dinner are included in all accommodation tiers, ensuring convenience and a satisfying dining experience throughout your stay. Convenience: All accommodations are comfortable, safe, and strategically located near essential services such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and restaurants. With a personalized and practical approach to English learning, Richmond Language Academy empowers students to gain confidence, fluency, and real-world communication skills. Ready to learn and live English in Cebu? Contact us today!
Oletpa sitten opiskelija, liike-elämän ammattilainen tai matkailija, Lapu-Lapu City löytyy sinulle sopiva englannin kielikurssi. englannin kielikursseja löytyy kaiken tasoisille ja -ikäisille. Valitse aloittaaksesi kielikurssin tyyppi.