Although different course types have different requirements, most intensive and standard language courses are available for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Total beginners often have specific start dates (once or twice a month), but if you have a basic knowledge of the language, the start dates are more flexible – almost all schools will allow you to start on any Monday. Learn more about start dates
Test preparation and business language courses often require an intermediate level of fluency. If you are a total beginner and need to take a test preparation course for university admission or a business course, we recommend that you first take an intensive language course. Once you’ve achieved an intermediate level of fluency, you may then take a test preparation or business course. Learn more about course types
In certain cases, you will need a visa to travel to your destination country. Though this is not a requirement for booking a course, it is a legal requirement to enter and study in certain countries. If you need a visa, you will receive the necessary visa documents once you have booked and paid for your course. Learn more about getting a student visa
Aikuiset - Intensiiviopinnot: Aikuisille jotka haluavat oppia !language niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista akateemisista tai työsyistä.
Aikuiset - Testivalmennus:Opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat valmistautua !of !language sujuvuustesteihin !test_type_abbrv.
Aikuiset: Liike-elämä For business executives who want to study !language to be able to do business.
Adult - Vacation: For travelers who want to study !language while on holiday.
Youth - Summer Camp: 8-12-vuotiaille lapsille ja 13-18-vuotiaille nuorille, jotka haluavat opiskella !language kesällä.
Kuinka kauan minun tulisi opiskella?
Kielikurssin tyypillinen vähimmäiskesto on yleensä kaksi viikkoa, mutta yleisesti opiskelijat saavat eniten hyötyä kielikurssin 3. ja 4. viikosta totuttuaan ensin ympäristöön. Tähän mennessä alkuajan häiriötekijät ovat tasaantuneet ja opiskelija on "asettunut". Keskimäärin opiskelija viettää noin 12 viikkoa ulkomaisissa kielipinnoissa.