International House Nice avattiin vuonna 1985 ja sijaitsee aivan Nizzan keskustassa lähellä vanhaa kaupunkia ja rantaa. Koulussa on ilmastoituja luokkahuoneita ja opiskelijahuone, jossa opiskelijat voivat rentoutua, nauttia drinkin ja käyttää internetiä. IH Nice tarjoaa kursseja opiskelijoille kaikilla tasoilla ja valikoiman majoitusvaihtoehtoja. Nizzassa ja Ranskan Rivieralla on myös monia mahdollisuuksia kokea paikallista kulttuuria. Julkisen liikenteen järjestelmä ja junien ja linja-autojen verkko mahdollistavat sen, että pääset helposti ympäröiville alueille.
Kansallisuus ja ik'jakauma International House: Nice vaihtelee kursseittain Ympärivuotisesti keski-ikä on 26 Kesällä keski-ikä on 22.
Koulussa on opiskelijoita kaikkialta maailmasta, mukaan lukien:
International House ei pidä oppitunteja lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.
International House Nice on ranskan kielen koulu Ranskan Rivieralla, joka tarjoaa ranskan kursseja Ranskassa ympäri vuoden. Huhtikuusta 2015 lähtien IH Nice siirtyy uuteen tilaan muusikoiden asuinalueelle Rue Rossiniin.
Tämä alue on erittäin turvallinen, korkealaatuinen ja ihanteellinen sijainti.
5 minuutin päässä rautatieasemalta,
6 minuutin päässä Avenue Jean Medecin -kadulta,
7 minuutin päässä meren rannalta
Uusi 400 neliömetrin alue, joka ulottuu 20-vuotiaan rakennuksen ensimmäiseen kerrokseen, sisältää kahdeksan tilavaa luokkahuonetta, joista jokainen on varustettu uusimmilla laitteilla.
Pääasiassa opiskelijat tulevat Euroopasta, Japanista ja Pohjois-Amerikasta. Useimmat opiskelijat valitsevat isäntäperheen, koska he voivat hyötyä ranskan kielen puhumisesta isäntäperheensä kanssa ja integroitua ranskalaisen kulttuuriin.
IH Nice's Annex rakennus sijaitsee aivan Avenue Jean Medecinin keskustassa. Se sisältää kolme imastoitua luokkahuonetta, vastaanoton, henkilökunnan huoneen, aulan, jossa on
Kolmen ilmastoidun, kunnostetun luokkahuoneen, vastaanoton, henkilökunnan huoneen ja aulan, jossa on myyntiautomaatti, jossa tarjoillaan kuumia ja kylmiä välipaloja.
Kaksi rakennusta ovat lähellä toisiaan ja aivan molempien koulujen välittömässä läheisyydessä on raitiovaunupysäkki (Jean Medecin).
Very good lessons,
tailored to how you wanted to learn.
I was very happy with our small class. The teachers were committed and we talked about many interesting topics. Grammar was also covered. I particularly liked the reference to colloquial language in a professional and family context
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I was very impressed with the service from Language International.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The classes were good, at the beginning a bit intense for me.
Our Teacher Emily was very nice and made the lessons
A very good location, close to a lot of amenities, etc etc.
Facilities and activities were limited.
Housing was horrible. I only stayed one night. I was given a room
which was big enough but had no desk, no place to put my clothes,
and no washroom, no TV any place in the house for me to share.
The bathroom was not very big. There was 5 people it had to
accommodate. The vanity was totally covered with
the house hostess toiletries.
The toilet was maybe 24 inches by 24 inches. No sink to wash
your hands. It was within one to 2 feet of the kitchen. no privacy at all.
I went to school the first day and advised them the accommodations
we’re not suitable. By the time I came back to the host house after school.
The host house had received a call that I would not be staying
with them any longer. He was very angry! I asked if he could call me a cab and he said No No just leave,
get out of here. Then I asked him if he could help me down the 2 flights
of stairs with one of my bags and he said No get out of here.
So I had no choice but to bring them down by myself.
I told my carry on and backpack down first and then came back and got
big suitcase, I had put them outside of the house host door when he told me to get
out having to make many stops down the flights of stairs.
I asked at the school for a refund and was advised after a period of time
I would receive 75% refund. I have never received this after numerous
So you can imagine my experience was not the
most pleasant.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying at International House in Nice.
The staff were all very helpful and friendly; I felt at home right away.
Classes were small and tailored to my ability so I learned at a pace appropriate to my needs.
There was always time for any questions students had and insight offered by teachers was wonderful.
I took advantage of several of the tours offered by International House and highly reccommend this too. Local knowledge was outstanding and we saw things I would have otherwise not known about.
All of my teachers were delightful and patient with me if I had trouble understanding difficult concepts; with a special mention to Annick who was an exceptional teacher and fabulous local guide as well and Tina who managed to keep me on task even when one on one.
My host was kind and very helpful. I was comfortable and well fed with her. She was helpful and increased my vocabulary at home and took me places around Nice on our downtime. I felt like part of her family.
The only thing I did wish for was more toilets at school and signs on the door so I could know when the toilets were occupied as this was sometimes rather awkward.
I loved my classes and my teachers. Everything was interesting! Nathalie and Emily especially were extremely interpersonal, knowledgeable and fun! We laughed a lot. Thanks to great topics and teachers, this school is that rare combination of lowest cost, superior quality!
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Besonders gefallen hat mir wie Emilie den Unterricht gestaltet hat und aufbereitet hat. Den Eingangstest und den Test am Ende fand ich wichtig und wertvoll. Gute Balance zwischen schriftlichen Übungen, Hörübungen und Konversation. Guter Grammatik Input. Das Sprachcafe finde ich ein tolles Angebot.
Die Einteilung der Gruppen zwecks Sprachniveau hätte etwas besser sein können.
Die Einrichtung der Schule wäre erneuerungsbedürftig.
Alles in allem war es top.
As I said it was what I expected.
The teachers were very good.
The classroom was a bit cold, because of the air condicioned.
The student residence was quite old and it shold has in each studio cookware and also for doing the whasing up. To take from a cupboard what you need in the recepcion, it is not very nice.
Also de student residence it was not as closed as I thought, but it was a nice walk. anyway.
My experience with Language International was exceptional from start to finish. The planning process was made incredibly smooth thanks to their great communication and responsiveness to my questions. They provided thorough information and logistics that left me feeling well-prepared for my language learning adventure. Upon my arrival in Nice, I was greeted by a friendly staff who ensured that my transition into the program was seamless. The French teacher was excellent, offering varied activities that made learning enjoyable and effective. Staying with a host family was a warm and welcoming experience, and their delicious meals added a delightful touch to my stay. I highly recommend Language International for a well-rounded and enriching language learning journey.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The International House allows you to experience a French language course as if it were a vacation, while still gaining a lot of the language. You are warmly welcomed by the teachers and experience an open and friendly atmosphere in class, in which jokes are often made, that adds to the positive mood. The only issues were with the classrooms. The larger ones were optimal for 6 to 10 people, but after two weeks, we were placed in a room with no window to open. This occasionally made the rooms feel stuffy, which naturally lead to less concentration. Even in the rooms with windows that could be opened, that was not done frequently due to the relatively loud street.
In conslusion, the French language course at the International House was an enriching experience. The warm reception by the teachers and the classroom atmosphere made the study environment truly pleasant. The laughter and humorous moments in the class not only enhanced the positive atmosphere but also facilitated learning. Despite the room issues, where air quality was occasionally less than ideal, we were still able to gain a lot from the French language.
This experience not only enriched our language skills but also deepened our understanding of French culture. If the room problem could be resolved, the course would undoubtedly be nearly perfect. The International House offers an excellent opportunity to learn a new language while feeling like you're on vacation, and we would definitely recommend it.
As I was only on a weeks course and arranged my own accommodation it was a limited experience with which to comment. The teacher was professional getting everyone involved despite the wide band of competences in French.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Our teacher Emilie was Great, she was was very involved and her Teaching was Great. The classrooms were clean and the aircondition was good. The content which emilie taught us was interesting and helped improve pur french. The class Had only five people which was good because we each got enough time to practice. The location of the school was very convenient
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I loved the language immersion from the moment I entered the school. Also, the very small class size and inclusiveness of the teacher was perfect.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The day began with complete chaos in the main lobby. The 'security guards' (2 young people) refused to provide any information or give directions. I and one other student stood in the hallway for several minutes until we were directed to a room where we were to be evaluated for language proficiency. After the 'tests', we were told our teacher was not available and we would be required to return later that afternoon to another area of the school where Mathieu would be the instructor.
Mathieu was a wonderful teacher. He was animated, informative and creative in his pedagogy. I learned more in those 3 hours than I have in many language schools (French and Italian) I have attended. Kudos to Mathieu; the one bright spot at this school.
The 2nd day was handled in the same way as in most other schools I have attended-namely rote learning- a pedagogical technique of questionable value.
Finally, I was placed in a small group of young people; the oldest was just under 30. I had nothing in common with members of my group. At every other school I have attended, I was placed with individuals who were above 50 years of age. We were able to develop relationships that helped all of us learn from our teachers. I should have been told about the make-up of my group EARLY on in the process; then I could have made an informed decision about attending this class. I was left with the impression that IH wanted my money only and did not work towards making my experience a positive one.
I was unable to attend the remainder of the week.
The teachers are very nice, devoted and qualified.
The facilities are poor. Often crowded with small classrooms.
The activities are good and interesting.
They mixed beginners with intermediate in the same class. That was very negative to mee.
Therefore I changed to a private/individual class with Mr Mathieu. He is excellent and very inspiring.
Thank you so much my teacher Sacha & Mat, They are such good teachers. Always be patient for me. I learned a lot from them.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Ich war leider nur 1 Woche in Nizza aber würde gerne einmal für einen längeren Zeitraum kommen. Der Unterricht hat mir gut gefallen, war aber mit nur 1 Woche natürlich zu kurz. Ich kann die Schule auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen! Ich habe an keinen Aktivitäten teilgenommen .MfG Caroline Hödlmoser
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The teacher demonstrated to have deep knowledge of the language and teaching. It was very nice to have the opportunity to know people from other countries an socialize with them. The school facilities were sufficient to allow a good ambience, and the location is strategic (Rue Rossini). Can’t say nothing about the housing since I stayed in a hotel.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I was initially greeted by the director of the school who was warm and welcoming.
We had a test but it was informal and did not feel pressurized or intimidating.
My teacher was fantastic, she was thorough, informative, fun and engaging.
There were activities you could partake in that were organised by the school. I didn't do any activities but there seemed to be a good range offered.
The classrooms were a good size and there was a coffee / snack machine. The feeling was relaxed and welcoming in the school.
Lorette was our instructor. She is an excellent teacher - correcting our errors and pronunciation. She was clear in her technique and explained not just “how” but “why”. I found that very helpful. The location was convenient - about 5 minutes from the train station. The facility was adequate and I have no complaints. I took notes and have already referred to them. I had about 3 hours of private lessons with Mathieu and he was excellent. Overall an excellent experience and I have already recommended the school to a friend who will likely attend. I did not use the housing offered by the school. Thank you for everything!
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I booked a French course (level B) while being in Nice anyway so it was a very spontaneous decision. Booking was easy (actually just 2 days in advance). The staff is extremely helpful and nice, and especially the teacher, Lorette Blanc, made all the new students feel welcome in her class. There were no activities outside the school which I didn't mind (perhaps because of my age).
As for the location, it's just perfect: within walking distance from the central station as well as from the promenade and the centre, there are quite a few not too tourist-ridden bars and bistros around the corner for having a quick lunch (or a longer one). To sum it up: a well-managed language school that fits the needs of people who want to learn French in a not-too-holiday-like style.
I had the General Course (GR20) for the second time. The first time was in 2014. Again, the course was very good. The teacher was very professional and the level was perfect for me. Maybe sometimes it felt like not all the students were on the correct level and the pace was lagging, but most of the time it was okay. The subjects were a great mix of expressions, cultural details, vocabulary and grammar.
The building had changed since the last time. The location was excellent just next to the tram station. The supermarket next to the school was very convenient. The classrooms were okay but for example the men’s restroom was tiny and the sink didn’t work. There wasn’t also any fixed multimedia devices in the classrooms so it was always a bit fuzzy when teachers needed a laptop or loudspeakers, but that was not a big deal.
Compared to my last visit there was practically no common activities at all. That was probably because of the season (October compared to July).
Overall I learned a lot during the week and I will come back again.
The school is very easy to find. It's super close to the beach and accessible thanks to the tram system.
I think my class was a bit more advanced to my level of French and my classmates were pretty decent speakers already but at least I had a motivation to improve. Sometimes the activities or exercises were challenging for me but our teacher, Ikram, was very understanding and helpful with everything.
The school was modern and very well equipped but the wash-basin in men's restroom didn't work so I had to wash my hands in teachers' kitchen and that just didn't feel right.
My host was such a welcoming lady. We spoke in French but also in English. She gave me instructions how to get to school, she told me some tips for the trips, cooked pretty decent dinners and the whole apartment was clean and tidy. Maybe, the breakfast could differ from time to time. Monday to Saturday my breakfast consisted of either "pain grillé" with jelly or cornflakes with milk. I expected more from French breakfast.
But overall I'm happy I took this trip and attended French lessons with International House: Nice.
For me it was everything super nice. The location of the school is excellent, in the centre of the city. There are all facilities what you need at school. The classes were very interesting with lots of activities. I had the best teacher of French in the world - Lorette. Very professional, intelligent and with excellent sense of humor. The group consisted of 6 persons from different countries - friendly and kind students. It was a great experience for me and I would definitely come again next year.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The school was very good, the teachers where also very nice
i enjoyed my time there
in the beginning i had problems with the family. but at the end it was better for me
I enrolled in a 1 week course, being an almost beginner in French language.
I was in a class with 4 other students who I thought were a bit ahead of me.
The whole lesson was conducted in French (understandably) but the problem for me was that I couldn't understand the instructions of what to do in the exercises, until I felt I should ask in English. The teacher was happy to explain then. The lessons were good, we had a variety of grammar, making short conversations and reading aloud. I felt I did improve slightly in the week, however a 4 week stint would have been a lot better, to have that continuity.
The location was excellent as it was walking distance from the centre of beautiful Nice.
There were some social activities planned, which I would have liked to partake in but it didn't seem that they went ahead as no-one else was interested.
I haven't studied French in years and I was a nervous student. I am so glad that I chose International House Nice- the location is, of course, heavenly and the teachers are great. I felt challenged in class and am glad that I took the intensive course.
Every week or so, we had a new teacher- this was very helpful because they all had unique teaching techniques. When I didn't understand very well in the morning session, the afternoon session often clarified things. It is exactly what I needed.
I am one of older students, but I had a great time with my classmates and have made friends- we spend time after school, practicing our French and exploring the city and the region.
I can't wait to come back next year!
I attended morning and afternoon lessons (4,5 hrs/day) at International House Nice in August 2019. Mornings were group lessons with quite large groups (7-10 people) while afternoons were smaller groups (3-5 people) plus two days/week of individual lessons. I started in the absolute beginners group, but upgraded to the A1 group in my second week and the A2 group in the third.
The quality of the teachers was uniformly high. Afternoon sessions were particularly useful as the smaller group/individual lessons enable a much faster and tailored progress. Larger group sessions vary a lot depending on the engagement level of your classmates, since a lot depends on the peer-to-peer interactions with them.
The classrooms were comfortable, and in an excellent location, 10 minutes walk from the old town, the railway station, or the beach.
Fab range of activities and I could leave my son there for the 2 hour lunch break if I wanted to (I never did but was nice to know I could). Snacks were provided and the sessions seemed fun. Close to parks etc so lunch breaks were super fun. Staff lovely.
My only issue was I paid for my son to have French lessons and he didn’t have any lessons. Essentially it was a Summer holiday childcare facility. I would have preferred they were honest with that as there are cheaper places to do that.
The teachers appeared to me of very good quality. The main problem is that son, who is English speaking, made friends with other English-speaking friends from the first day. It was difficult for teachers, I heard, to have them practice French. Overall, this was a wonderful way for my son to enjoy his time in Nice, but not the best way to learn French.
I would prefer a more academic approach in the future. Unfortunately, I was told by Language International that there would be French lessons in the morning and activities in the afternoon. The truth is that there were only activities and no French lessons.
For me it was a very nice experience, since it was the first time to get involved in this kind of lessons.
The location was very easy to be found and it is close to one of the most famous streets of Nice-rue Massena-.
Our teacher was very friendly and was willing to explain everything in detail in order to be sure we actually understand.
All the other persons that were in my classroom where on the same level as mine, so that made me feel more relaxed.
We were only encouraged to speak-or try to speak- in French, although I am definetly not fluent in talking, but that helped me a lot!! After the lessons I was feeling more confident about speaking in French.
I definetely recommend it and I will sure do it again in the future, but for more than one week, because one week is a short period to improve youself in French..
Thank you
Excellent teaching - I wanted focus on grammer and exposure to normal conversation, which is what I got
Very happy with the course - I hope to attend for at least 2 weeks next summer
The teachers are very engaging and friendly. They are easy to talk to and they want to teach as much as possible. I think it is great that ONLY french is spoken during class. That is why my French vocabulary and pronunciation has improved significantly. The location is good because it is practical and nice. It is close to the beach, several bus stops and in a beautiful location in the city of Nice. The facilities are fresh and clean.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Loved the teachers and classes but I wish we had a more in-depth review of our level, because I felt that I didn't learn as much new vocabulary and grammar as I had hoped. It was more of a review rather than learning new material.. The location was perfect and I loved the school. I made lots of new friends from all over the world. The housing was good, although there were some negative issues, such as that the host did not provide breakfast, and she smoked everywhere in the house including the kitchen. I enjoyed having a roommate.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Class little and good
Teacher with professional and pedagogical qualifications
Clever young people in the class
Good atmosphere in the lessons
I did not like the old fashioned teaching with a lot of grammar, too little discussion and communication.
The lessons followed a determined schedule, not adapted to this class of five
The School does the work very old. The audio and video were old school. Also the exercices on print are old school where the woman took care about the House and the man had a job.
The facilitees were ok, execept the aircon which did not work ok.
The Teacher, Fanny was execellent.
My french has got a great boost.
I really liked my teacher Dominique the first week who was funny and brought us to a real market and showed us how to order etc
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Perfect experience at school! Teachers are friendy and kind. And I'll be back for sure! I love place, the city and people and all facilities of school.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The Kidsclub is a pleasant school for kids. The kids can attend various classes, such as karate, gym and English
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The teachers were very friendly and also taught us very good because the lessons were very thrilling and good structured. What I also aprecciates was my host family ("hostmother)" because she cooked very well and was very friendly. Another point which I really liked, was the location because it was in the centre of Nice which means you were very close to the sea.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...We appreciated much The Kind reception And suddenly The professional teachers, also The location was central And Easy To reach. We rally reccomend IH Nice And Hope To come There in The future. Nice was a Good location for our French Kids course And we rally Hope To come bacik again. Thanks You for Everything.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I completed one week at International House:Nice and it was a great way to refresh my french language skills. The teacher was great, the course was interactive and the environment was very comfortable and welcoming. I had been out of practice in french for several years and felt a big improvement in my comprehension and confidence through the week. I would definitely return to continue advancing my french.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The class small and good. Teachers good and very good. Location and facilities acceptabel. Activitity only first day. Housing ok.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...We were six students from five different countries in our class during the first week, this resulted in very interesting discussions and a great experience exchange. The teacher conducted the discussions very well and gave us enough time to speak.
In the second week, we were unfortunately, eleven students in the class whereas in other classes there were only two to four students. An unfortunate division.
The school material is unfortunately a bit outdated and badly copied sheets from books were distributed.
I enjoyed the classes, teachers, and the social events as well. The school was brilliantly located, just five minutes from the beach. However, I do wish we had more interactive learning i.e. French movies/games/outdoor study trips etc.
On the other hand, the housing which the school offered, was very poor. As a result, I had to switch to another accomodation by myself.
The teachers were always prepared to help you. They were very kind and they were always laughing. Some classrooms were small though.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...We had normal classes like in every school. The teachers were fine as well. I didn't live in the sleeping rooms, so I can't rate them.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I had a very good experience with Language International! The teacher was great and my stay at the host family was perfect! I have learned a lot during my stay, and I would gladly recommend it to others!
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The school was a great experience for me. Our teacher was very nice and did her best in establishing very friendly and effective communication between students from different countries/cultures, making the study not only useful but also quite exciting.
The school located in a walking distance from city center, not far from the main train station.
There were some activities organized by the school staff, but I didn't participate in any (due to lack of time - I had only a week in Nice) so nothing to say here.
The housing was also very nice: I lived with a French family and had a lot of opportunities to improve my language as well as to better understand other cultures.
It was a great experience. Laetitia was an excellent teacher and I could see my French improve a lot over the course of the week. The staff in the office was always happy to help. The accommodation (Lamy) was quite basic, but was fine for its purpose. I would have probably stayed with a host family in hindsight so as to have more opportunities to improve my French. Nice, itself, is beautiful, and there's every chance that I'll return to the city and the school.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Although I stayed just for a week, I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the school. It was well situated right in the center of Nice, the teacher was nice and the classes were very useful. I think I definitely improved my language skills. The only thing that disappointed me was that the classes were in the afternoon and I could not enjoy Nice that much. Overall, it was amazing.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The class was great. I was a student in Jean Christoph's class. He's an amazing teacher and he works hard to make the students understand him, but he was moving slow, wasting time, and slacking. The class was supposed to be 3 hours, but we studied from 9:00a.m.-10:30 a.m. Our break started after this, and didn't end until 11:00 a.m. or 11:15 a.m., and I calculate that into the things he did while in class (lack of work papers and him going out to copy more, etc.), but overall he's great. He just needs to work on punctuality. My afternoon private lessons were amazing. The location of the school was perfect. A vending machine swallowed my money 3 times and I didn't get it back. The staff and crew were very friendly and welcoming, especially Emma and William (the head manager).
About the activities with the school: I only paid one time to go to some city that was close, and when I showed up, I couldn't find anyone. I was 25 minutes early though, and I didn't get a refund.
At my housing, Rose was very friendly and kind. She's super clean and organized, which I loved. Breakfast was great, but dinner was not so much. The other day, I had salad for dinner - a salad! Usually it was more than a salad. The location of the apartment was somewhat good. It was an 8-minute walk to the school and there was a supermarket called "Lidel" that was very close - probably a 3-minute walk.
I liked the whole experience, but I noticed that the school was really expensive compared to other schools. The books we used weren't that useful.
Thanks for everything. :-)
I came to Nice and got picked up by my host family. Already there you can see that the host families take their job seriously, and I think it is very good to have families you can trust. Unfortunately, when I came to my family and the school I got anxiety. I told my family and the school that I had this problem and they did all that they could to help me. So when you talk about the people and teachers at the school you can see that they are good people and good teachers. The location of the school was fine. My families were both close to the school, but I think it was a bit confusing that there were two school locations.
The activities was very good. They did a very good job finding activities that were interesting and fun for our age.
The facilities were fine and the classrooms were not very hot even though it was very hot outside. When it came to pens or books I thought that the school would give us a book or a pen, but it was no problem.
So all in all it is a very good place to be.
Really friendly and helpful staff. Teacher was very good, but didn't speak English very well. On the other hand it was better because we had to use French even with more difficult questions. I had to change location every day at 12 o'clock but the distance wasn't bad. Activities were nice. I booked a hotel by myself so I didn't have housing.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The class was very small (5 students), and students were at very different levels, although they were all in the same room. This was a bit distracting. The professor was not very rigorous, so sometimes it seemed like we were moving on very very slowly.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I enrolled in the school for two weeks of class. I have taken French with a tutor 1 time a week for the last two years and really wanted to advance. I really liked my teacher and found that most of the lessons for me were review, exactly what I needed! I felt that my class placement was perfect; challenging but not over my head. To be in the class environment with students basically at the same level, I felt comfortable with speaking up and asking questions. The most difficult aspect of learning the language was listening to the CD's and discussing the conversations. With my tutor at home, she speaks very slowly and knows exactly what vocabulary I know so this was much more difficult. My only complaint (or really just an annoyance) was that our teacher several times a day asked us to work with a partner on conversation skills. The first day of class, I was paired with the young girl next to me so we were then partners for every exercise, every day. The problem was that many times during the class, she was on her computer, on her facebook page, and not paying attention to the teacher or the class so when it came time for the exercise, she was lost and I became very frustrated. I would have preferred to work on my own in that case. The class had students from all over the world and a wide age range. I enjoyed that.
I did attend one outside the classroom activity which was dinner with other students at a restaurant in Vieux Ville. We were all confused on what to order and how the bill would be handled at the end. I think it would have been more enjoyable if the representative from the school was more in control of the evening and had made some pre-selections ahead of time.
Facilities were excellent, right in the heart of Nice. The teacher was an excellent native French speaker who was very supportive and encouraged us to push our limits. I would have liked to stay for longer!
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I had a fantastic experience in Nice. I found my teachers to be extremely effective, as the learning experience was based on verbal skills, not so much written, which we have learned in school. The location was beautiful, as it is on the water and close to different cities. This gave me the opportunity to travel around and see parts of the country that I would not typically have the chance to, being from Canada. The school provided opportunities to go on day-trips to visit different local areas. I enjoyed my stay in Nice and my housing, although, I wish we were aware of housing closer to the school. I lived a 30 minute walk from school and felt uncomfortable walking at night. The woman who worked at the front desk at my apartment building was rude and did not give me money back when my apartment was in the same shape as when I first arrived.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The school is well located, the teachers are very good and helpful, the administration puts too much pressure in teachers to tolerate students, unfortunately there were some young students that were rude and teachers tolerated their rudeness (sleeping in the class). Sometimes they took too long breaks, which made the class shorter. I liked the house where I was placed, close to the school but the owner did not want anyone in the kitchen doing anything. Food was not very exciting. The owner was too demanding but firm. By the end of my 8th week she was more understanding and caring. Good person! I rate the experience as excellent. I learned a great deal and love France, especially Nice and the cities around.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The teachers were good. I liked that they explained in a manner that was easy to understand. The material that was handed was good, and I learned a lot of new vocabulary. The location of the school was excellent. There were hotels within a reasonable price range just close by. I liked very much that classes were in the afternoon.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I stayed in Nice for two weeks for a French course with my 10 year old daughter.
Our courses were in separate buildings, making us wake up at least 40 min earlier in order to get to class on time. The classrooms are very nice, but do not have air conditioners, so eventually it got hot considering it was summer. My classes were great, the teacher Anne was also very nice and was a great teacher. As for my daughter, I believe the course was too advanced for her age, since she was the youngest in the group of teenagers.
The overall view is great. I loved the experience and would take the course in Nice again!
Classes were very good in general, I had two teachers that were really good and you could tell they love teaching, Anne and Jean Cristhophe (sorry if I'm misspelling the names). One recommendation would be to improve the system the school has in place to choose the level of the students and to measure improvements in order to change classes. At first, my classes were in the right level (both exercises and class mates), but then when new students arrived after a few weeks, they were located in the same class with zero French knowledge and that made my classes go backwards instead of forward. Teacher didn't notice or notice but just didn't do anything about it so I requested a change of class to a more advance one and got a lot better after that.
The locations were good, I had some minor issues with the school downtown (Jean Medecin) behind felling the heat of the summer during class and no one answering the interphone to open the main gate to enter the building. There was a specific issue with the location in Carabacel when the class rooms were not available because of a problem with the university that was leasing the floor, the director was not helpful, and was actually rude; but the teachers were amazing handling the issue and giving great classes what so ever.
Activities were always great especially with Leslie, the woman that managed the activities outside the school, she was nice, helpful and always made the trips and the gatherings more fun and interesting.
Housing complied with what was required, nothing great but just met the basic expectations of a student dorm, hot water, internet available 24x7, access to main streets, not a lot of noise (except coming from the street, two times with people yelling and threatening each other about calling the police)
In general I would say I was a great experience and I would recommend the school for classes lasting a short period of time during holidays for example, but I would not do so for people wanting 6 months or longer stays.
I really enjoyed the discussions in Mme Fevrier's classes. I met many interesting people from different countries and learned many practical phrases for conversational French as well as improved on my grammar. The location was very convenient and I stayed in a hotel instead of with a local family. I would like to have stayed longer.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...This is only my second day but I really like the school, and the Director Mr. William Rubinstein is a really professional. The staff and teachers are really keen to help new students.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...It was really good, I loved the school and the teacher (Jean Christophe I think). Everything was really good.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The quality of teaching was high, the classes were interesting and productive, good location for the university, and a great atmosphere for studying.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...My classes and teachers were very good and helpful. The housing wasn't bad, but I was expecting better. I stayed for a while so it was long, but unfortunately the students were not of the same age group. It was fun overall.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Kotimajoituskohteemme on valittu huolella ja ne tarjoavat opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden oppia paikalliskulttuuria mukavassa ympäristössä ja opiskella samall Ranskan Nizzassa. Kohteet sijaitsevat usein 5 - 30 minuutin ja yleisten kulkuyhteyksien päässä koulusta. Perheet tajoavat yleensä edullisen ateriaohjelman, jonka avulla pääset tutustumaan paikalliseen ruokakulttuuriin. Perheet tajoavat yleensä edullisen ateriaohjelman, jonka avulla pääset tutustumaan paikalliseen ruokakulttuuriin. Jos sinulla on ruokavaliorajoituksia tai erityistoiveita (uskonnollisista ja terveyssyistä), ole hyvä ja ota meihin yhteyttä etukäteen. Majoituksesi alkaa ensimmäistä oppituntia edeltävänä sunnuntaina ja päättyy viimeisen oppitunnin jälkeisenä lauantaina, vuotiaita ellei toisin mainita. Lisätietoja kotimajoituksesta
Homestay- Double Room- Half Board
Homestay- Single Room- Half Board
Opiskelija-asuntolat on tarkoitettu itsenäisille opiskelijoille, jotka etsivät perustason siistiä majoitusta edulliseen hintaan. Kaikkien opiskelijoiden on oltava 16 - 100 ellei toisin mainita. Majoituksesi alkaa ensimmäistä oppituntia edeltävänä sunnuntaina ja päättyy viimeisen oppitunnin jälkeisenä lauantaina, vuotiaita ellei toisin mainita. Opiskelija-asuntolan hintaan ei usein kuulu aterioita. Lisätietoja opiskelija-asuntolamajoituksesta
Residence Studea Riquier - Single-person room - No meals
Ségurane Residence - Studio Flat - No meals
Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.
Hyväksymiskirje lähetetään kotiosoitteeseesi postitse veloituksetta.
Koulu tarjoaa lentokenttäkuljetuksen. Jos haluat palvelun, kerro meille lentotietosi ja saapumispäivämääräsi. Yhdensuuntainen lentokenttäkuljetus Nice Cote D'Azur Airport maksaa 35 €. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Nizza based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.
International House Nice on ranskan kielen koulu Ranskan Rivieralla, joka tarjoaa ranskan kursseja Ranskassa ympäri vuoden. Huhtikuusta 2015 lähtien IH Nice siirtyy uuteen tilaan muusikoiden asuinalueelle Rue Rossiniin.
Tämä alue on erittäin turvallinen, korkealaatuinen ja ihanteellinen sijainti.
5 minuutin päässä rautatieasemalta,
6 minuutin päässä Avenue Jean Medecin -kadulta,
7 minuutin päässä meren rannalta
Uusi 400 neliömetrin alue, joka ulottuu 20-vuotiaan rakennuksen ensimmäiseen kerrokseen, sisältää kahdeksan tilavaa luokkahuonetta, joista jokainen on varustettu uusimmilla laitteilla.
Pääasiassa opiskelijat tulevat Euroopasta, Japanista ja Pohjois-Amerikasta. Useimmat opiskelijat valitsevat isäntäperheen, koska he voivat hyötyä ranskan kielen puhumisesta isäntäperheensä kanssa ja integroitua ranskalaisen kulttuuriin.
IH Nice's Annex rakennus sijaitsee aivan Avenue Jean Medecinin keskustassa. Se sisältää kolme imastoitua luokkahuonetta, vastaanoton, henkilökunnan huoneen, aulan, jossa on
Kolmen ilmastoidun, kunnostetun luokkahuoneen, vastaanoton, henkilökunnan huoneen ja aulan, jossa on myyntiautomaatti, jossa tarjoillaan kuumia ja kylmiä välipaloja.
Kaksi rakennusta ovat lähellä toisiaan ja aivan molempien koulujen välittömässä läheisyydessä on raitiovaunupysäkki (Jean Medecin).
Kysymyksiä? Saat vastauksia majoituspaikan International House: Nice henkilökunnalta ja aiemmilta opiskelijat.
Esitä kysymysSorry, we cannot accept that age at the residence. Only from 17 ish.
Very sorry about this, we cannot do a booking just for the Farm bio work experience. If she did want to take on a course at IH,complementary to the Bio we could indeed look into it.
No, sorry. The Teens have to be placed by 2 for security reasons.
1. Yes we guarantee that they will be placed together.
2. We can do some visit of the old town or some cities around Nice. It can be a afternoon trip or a all day trip.
3. Yes we offer the accommodation in a hostfamily, single room.