We offer evening, weekend, and private language courses at the place and time that you choose, everywhere in Switzerland. In-company language courses can be delivered at your place of work or at our school. Full Immersion Inside and Outside the Classroom We have had the pleasure of teaching students from around the world. We believe the best way to learn a language is to be fully immersed in a culture both inside and outside the classroom. We achieve this by offering an extensive range of language courses and providing an exciting calendar of activities for students to explore their new cities and practice their language skills. Our Mission To help create a world where communication, understanding, cooperation and respect exist between people of all countries and cultures. Our Method To provide language training utilising the most effective teaching methodology and technology, and by integrating academic, cultural and social activities.
Oletpa sitten opiskelija, liike-elämän ammattilainen tai matkailija, Lausanne löytyy sinulle sopiva ranskan kielikurssi. ranskan kielikursseja löytyy kaiken tasoisille ja -ikäisille. Valitse aloittaaksesi kielikurssin tyyppi.
Yleiset ranskan kurssit ovat aikuisille, jotka haluavat parantaa puhutun, kuunnellun, luetun ja kirjoitetun ranskan kielen taito. Useimmat kielikurssit on tarkoitettu yli 16-vuotiaille aikuisille. 2 - 48 viikon ranskan intensiivikursseja tarjolla. Kielikurssien keskimääräinen opintomäärä on 30 tuntia viikossa.