Norwich Study Centre, Flying Classrooms School of English
5 Tombland, Norwich, NR3 1HE, UK, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1HE, UK
Norwich Study Centre, Flying Classrooms School of English
Kuunteleminen, puhuminen, ääntäminen, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, sanavarasto, kielioppi ja Aktiviteetit
NSCFC ei pidä oppitunteja yllämainittujien lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.
Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.
This course is for experienced language teachers who want to enhance their skills or new teachers who want to learn useful teaching techniques. This will also give people thinking about doing a Cambridge CELTA or equivalent an idea of the skills they will learn.
This course is eligible for Erasmus+ funding.
Course Objectives
• To introduce you to the important concepts of teaching and learning languages using the Communicative Approach.
• To gain a deeper understanding of different learner styles.
• To help you to plan more interactive lessons
• To give you a deeper understanding of how to improve your students’ grammar, lexis and pronunciation.
• To guide you on how to develop students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in an interesting, interactive way
• To learn skills to enhance students’ autonomy in language learning
Specialised Sessions
Teaching Young Learners
This session offers opportunities for teaching professionals who wish to specialise in working with young learners. During this session, your experienced teacher trainer will help to raise your awareness of the principles of teaching language to young learners. There will also be a focus on a practical approach, classroom management skills, classroom activities and selection of resources.
How to Motivate your Students
In this session, you will study the theories behind motivation and how they can be applied in the classroom. You will learn some fresh ideas on how to keep students engaged and motivated. Gain insight into boosting learner confidence, encouraging learner autonomy, accommodating different learning styles and rapport building.
Drama Techniques for Creative Language Teaching
Integrating drama in the language classroom is both valuable and rewarding for learners and teachers alike. During the session, our specialist trainer will give teachers the tools they need to engage students in lively lessons that boost confidence and communication skills. This dynamic, group-oriented session aims to equip teachers with various dramatic techniques which can both inform teaching practice and immerse teachers and learners in the British theatrical tradition!
Teaching English Pronunciation
This session aims to build your own awareness and knowledge of English sounds while demonstrating fun, varied and useful techniques for you to implement in your own language classroom. This session would not only be ideal for teachers working with adults, but also for teachers of young learners working in schools where phonics and phonology form major parts of the curriculum.
Teaching for Business or other Specific Needs
This session aims to equip teachers with the skills to teach professionals who have specific language needs for their work. You will learn skills to enable you accurately assess your student’s needs and to create relevant, motivating training material suitable for ESP (English for Specific Purposes) classes, whether small groups or 1:1.
Keskimäärin | 5 opiskelijaa |
Enimmäismäärä | 14 opiskelijaa |
Ikäryhmä | 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi |
Keskimäärin | 35 vuoden ikäinen (30 kesällä) |
Flying Classrooms -opetus on korkeatasoinen. Opettajamme ovat päteviä, omistautuneita ja huolehtivaisia ammattilaisia, jotka pystyvät luomaan kannustavan oppimisympäristön luokassa. Heillä kaikilla on CELTA-pätevyys tai niiden yläpuolella ja paljon kokemusta englannin kielen opetuksesta.
Monilla opettajillamme on laaja kokemus opintokokonaisuuksian valmistelusta. Tämä näkyy opiskelijoiden johdonmukaisesti korkeissa tuloksissa. Keskimääräinen luokkakoko on 10 opiskelijaa, enimmillään 14, joten opettajamme voivat antaa sinulle yksilöllisen opetuksen ja huomion, joka auttaa sinua saavuttamaan tavoitteesi.
Vaikka oleskelun vähimmäiskesto on yksi viikko, oleskelun kesto ei ole suurin. Kolme yleistä englannin kielen kurssia tarjotaan kaikilla tasoilla aloittelijasta edistyneeseen. Tämän tason määrittelee opintopäällikkömme ensimmäisenä päivänä.
Yleinen englannin kielen standardikurssi on 15 tuntia viikossa, ja siellä on kaksi intensiivikurssia, yleinen englannin kielen intensiivinen kurssi ja akateeminen valmistautuminen, jotka ovat molemmat 21 tuntia viikossa. Lisäksi tarjoamme IELTS: n, IB: n, PET: n, FCE: n ja CAE: n (kysynnän mukaan) ja Trinityn tenttivalmennuskursseja.
1: 1 opetusta on saatavilla, jos haluat oppia englantia tiettyyn tarkoitukseen, et voi osallistua säännöllisiin oppitunteihin ulkopuolisten sitoumuksen takia tai haluat hyötyä yksilöllisestä opetuksesta. Nämä oppitunnit voidaan järjestää aikataulusi mukaan.
Suurten opettajien ja kurssien ohella koulumme sisältää myös opintokeskuksen, Resurssikeskukessa on kirjat, CD-levyt, DVD-levyt, tietokoneet, Wi-Fi koko rakennuksessa ja pelit shakista pöytätennikseen.
Kansallisuus ja ik'jakauma Norwich Study Centre, Flying Classrooms School of English vaihtelee kursseittain Ympärivuotisesti keski-ikä on 35 Kesällä keski-ikä on 30.
NSCFC ei pidä oppitunteja lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.
Sijaitsemme Norwichin historiallisessa sydämessä, joka on yksi Englannin jännittävimmistä ja perinteisimmistä alueista.
Norwich on monipuolinen, vilkas kaupunki, 2 tuntia Lontoosta ja 90 minuutin matkan päässä Cambridgestä junalla, jota ympäröi upea maaseutu ja se on lähellä upeaa rannikkoa. Se on täynnä opiskelijoita, ja sillä on ystävällinen paikallinen yhteisö. Kaupunki on hyvä paikka oppia englantia, koska olet poissaLontoon melusta ja väkijoukoista.
Koulumme sijaitsee kaupungin keskustassa, vastapäätä upeaa Norwichin katedraalia, josta pääsee helposti paikallisiin linja-autoihin, kauppoihin ja palveluihin.
Se on mielikuvituksesi Englanti!
When I came to Norwich Study Centre “Flying Clasrooms School of English”, my goal was to gain some self-confidence and communicate in English. Thank my motivated teachers, who have put some order into my English knowledge, and my classmates, who have given me a huge push by talking to me in English every day, I am happy to have reached this goal.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I enjoyed working with other teachers. I would have loved it more had there been more teachers with the same level I am teaching. There were 4 of us in our class and all teaching different levels and one of them teaching another language.
Your teachers were great and helpful.
We visited other classes twice. It would be better to stay the whole lesson and not having to leave after 45 minutes and I would also let the teacher tell the class why we are there.
I spent two incredible weeks in this school, you feel immediately very comfortable in the class thanks to the small group. The teachers are irreproachable, it allowed me to meet people of different nationalities!
I highly recommend this school which made me progress in English!
The teachers were kind, patient and willing to help anytime. I really liked that when a student asked some question but the teacher didn't know the answer right away, he searched on the internet or asked other teachers, so he was able to help the student after all. I especially liked the teachers motivation to find differences and similarities between english and other languages the student were able to speak.
The school is located in the centre of Norwich, which is very useful because all kinds of stores, reastaurants and the most popular sights are within walking distance.
Classes were welcoming and always clean. The common room was a very nice place to meet people from different countries, no matter the age.
From my point of view the classes were excellent as were the teachers. The location of the school was just right, just a stroll away from the City Centre.
I had a problem with my five and ten pound notes (had the old ones) and they were so kind and gave me new ones in exange of my old ones!
The activities we did during our stay were ok but for example, the extra curricular activities, as for example the trip to Cambridge, were a bit expensive, that made me go to Cambridge by my self.
All in all, everything was great.
All the teachers were professional and helpful, so was the school staff. Everybody was extremely kind and friendly.
The activities were very interesting and involving. The school premises were fine too. The lessons were engaging, interesting and challenging. all the teachers gave us tips and hands on suggestions to improve our work in our country. I have already planned to go back to Norwich for another course next year, a more tailor-made course only for TEYL that the school is ready to personalize if we have some other teachers interested in the same area of teaching.
My teachers were really competent and the classes were involving, but I didn't enjoy the teaching replacements sometimes. The school's location is really good, because it's central and not too far away from the train station. The calendar of activities was clear and detailed. The school secretary was available to answer any queries. The school library has few books to choose from or to borrow.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Teachers were very good and location was excellent. School does not have a lot facilities for the students (no WiFi, no microwave, the course does not include books).
I could not finish my course (per justifiable reason) and school did not allow me to transfer my remaining weeks to another student (friends, family, etc). so, I lost 2 weeks worth of money.
I think school should give some return, transfer, etc. in these cases, because I paid for a 14-week course (long time).
I did not like the teaching, but the people (students, teachers, housemates) were good people.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I'm quite happy about my improvements. I know that in the short time that I've had (13 weeks), it is pretty difficult to speak fluently without errors of grammar and to listen as well. Flying Classrooms has a great team of professionals and I have nothing to complain about them. Clever strategies of teaching really helps when you are sharing the class with students of different cultures and ages. The building is well-located and easy to find. We also had a "social activity staff", who every Friday gave us options of entertainment on weekends as going to pubs, parks and shopping for example. I really liked the teachers and sometimes I felt that having 14 persons at the same time in the same class was a little disturbing. So maybe a suggestion is to put a maximum limit of 12 persons in each classroom.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...
Thank you for your positivie review Matheus, I know a lot of the students and teachers miss having you in the class with them.
We are always aiming to keep our classes small and personal, I think the limit of 12 students per class may be something we plan to do in the future.
The quality of school, the teachers, the classrooms were very good to great.
I enjoyed every lesson, but I missed the activities outside of the school. I really had a great time in Norwich and I will never forget this week!
Well, my first time in Norwich and in Flying Classrooms was rather scary because I had no idea how to deal with English people and I had huge language barrier as well. But all the teachers in FC helped me with it, and now I feel absolutely confident about my English skills. I have been to school for 4 times and each time is a new experience in English culture, language and people. What about teachers, I can say only one thing: THEY ARE GREAT! All the teachers are absolutely helpful, friendly, funny and sometimes strict. Therefore, office management is also helpful, if someone needs help, he/she just needs to visit student officer and he will help with all one's problems.
Summing up, it was amazing being in FC, meeting new people with different culture and language. I also wish that soon I can come back to school not to study but to meet my friends (who are already best friends) to share with them my achievements which this school helped me with.
Kotimajoituskohteemme on valittu huolella ja ne tarjoavat opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden oppia paikalliskulttuuria mukavassa ympäristössä ja opiskella samall Englanti !in Norwich. Kohteet sijaitsevat usein 10 - 40 minuutin ja yleisten kulkuyhteyksien päässä koulusta. Perheet tajoavat yleensä edullisen ateriaohjelman, jonka avulla pääset tutustumaan paikalliseen ruokakulttuuriin. Perheet tajoavat yleensä edullisen ateriaohjelman, jonka avulla pääset tutustumaan paikalliseen ruokakulttuuriin. Jos sinulla on ruokavaliorajoituksia tai erityistoiveita (uskonnollisista ja terveyssyistä), ole hyvä ja ota meihin yhteyttä etukäteen. Majoituksesi alkaa ensimmäistä oppituntia edeltävänä sunnuntaina ja päättyy viimeisen oppitunnin jälkeisenä lauantaina, vuotiaita ellei toisin mainita. Lisätietoja kotimajoituksesta
Homestay Self-Catering
Homestay Half-Board
Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.
Jos opiskelet Britanniassa yli 11 kuukauden ajan saat CAS- viitenumeron (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) joka sinun on ltoimitettava Britannian suurlähetystöön yhdessä viisumihakemuksesi (General Student Visa) kanssa. Opiskelijat, jotka ovat onnistuneesti varanneet ja maksaneet kielikurssin saavat CAS-numeron NSCFC. Ole hyvä ja ota huomioon, että Britannian lakien mukaan CAS-numero voi antaa vain opiskelijalle, joka aikoo opiskella englantia yli 11 kuukautta.
Jos opiskelet Britanniassa alle kuuden kuukauden ajan, sinun on anottava erityistä vierailuviisumia (Student Visitor Visa). Vierailevana opiskelijana sinulla ei ole oikeutta työskennellä opiskelun ohella. Jos suunnitelmissasi on opiskella Britanniassa alle kuuden kuukauden ajan, hyväksymiskirje lähetetään sinulle maksutta kotiosoitteeseesi. Jos haluat saada materiaalin pikakirjeenä, rekisteröityessäsi veloitetaan erityismaksu.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Norwich based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.
Kysymyksiä? Saat vastauksia majoituspaikan Norwich Study Centre, Flying Classrooms School of English henkilökunnalta ja aiemmilta opiskelijat.
Esitä kysymysNorwich Study Centre, Flying Classrooms School of English