El Rincón del Tándem
Consolat del Mar, nº 2 46006 valencia, Valencia, Valencian Commun 46006, Spain
El Rincón del Tándem
You can choose from the following class times:
Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.
The standard Spanish course is comprised of a total of 10 hours per week, 2 hours per day, which may take place in the morning or in the afternoon. Our Spanish courses in Valencia are for people who want to learn or improve Spanish in the most efficient way. With our program, you will improve your Spanish verbal, written and reading comprehension in a short period of time.
Keskimäärin | 6 opiskelijaa |
Enimmäismäärä | 10 opiskelijaa |
Ikäryhmä | 16 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi |
Keskimäärin | 32 vuoden ikäinen (25 kesällä) |
El Rincón del Tándemin, espanjan kielikoulu Valenciassa, syntyi ajatuksesta, jonka mukaan Espanjan koulu olisi henkilökohtaisempi, ja se olisi suunnattu sekä niille, jotka haluavat ottaa yhteyttä kieleen tai parantaa aiempaa tietämystään. Haluamme auttaa opiskelijoita, ei vain opettaa espanjaa, vaan myös espanjalaista kulttuuria. Koska espanjan kielen oppiminen on enemmän kuin vain kielen opiskelu. Me haluamme, että opiskelijat oppivat.
Filosofiamme espanjan kielen kouluna on keskittää tulomme yksinomaan opetustoimintaan. Voimme kuitenkin tarjota paljon muuta kuin opetusta. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että suurin osa lisätoimituksistamme ja toiminnoistamme tuottaa meille nollaa. Kun pyrimme opettamaan espanjaa, ei hyötyä muusta toiminnasta. Tämä johtaa opiskelijoille alhaisempiin kustannuksiin.
Meidän espanjan tuntimme ovat yleensä 4-8 hengen ryhmissä, jotta opiskelijat voivat hyötyä henkilökohtaisemmasta huomiota, vaikka tarjoamme myös yksityistunteja.
Kansallisuus ja ik'jakauma El Rincón del Tándem vaihtelee kursseittain Ympärivuotisesti keski-ikä on 32 Kesällä keski-ikä on 25.
Koulussa on opiskelijoita kaikkialta maailmasta, mukaan lukien:
ei pidä oppitunteja lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.
Espanjan koulu El Rincón del Tándem sijaitsee Valencian sydämessä, Ruzafan alueella, trendikkäällä alueella, täynnä kahviloita, baareja, ravintoloita.
Escuela El Tándemilla huomaat, että kurssimme ovat monipuolisia sekä räätälöity tarpeisiisi ja tasollesi. Pyrimme luomaan räätälöityjä ohjelmia opiskelijoille parantamaan merkittävästi lyhyessä ajassa. Koulumme on ainutlaatuinen opetuksen käsite, lähellä opiskelijaa ilman tarpeettomia esteitä. Pyrimme tekemään oppimisen mahdollisimman sujuvaksi, joten edustamme ihanteellista ratkaisuja, jos olet väsynyt perinteisistä kursseista.
Lisäksi tandem-koulu keskittyy sosiaaliseen näkökulmaan. Pyrimme rakentamaan suhteitamme opiskelijoihimme järjestämällä sellaisia aktiviteetteja, kuten syntymäpäiviä, vierailuja museoihin, kaupunkikierroksia ja myös kielivaihtoa. Olemme varmasti suuri perhe.
I’m not satisfied about the course. I am not saying this because I was disappointed in my own shortcoming. But to the next reasons:
The first day I came to the school, the secretary told me that the teachers are ill (both teachers?).
The next day, the course started with two teachers each for two hours. First one was very patient and speak slowly Spanish and was helpful to translate with a little English. The next teacher was a little bit nervous and start with speaking very rapidly Spanish.
If there was coordination between the two teachers, it was not noticeable, they jumped randomly through the textbook. Therefore, it was very difficult to study at home. The third week, the first teacher was replaced with another teacher, this one taught very different and not from the textbook, study at home was not possible.
The second teacher now taught thoroughly and taught us a lot. And we finished the first textbook, I ask do we have to buy the second book? No, that was not necessary. The fourth week, the 2nd teacher was gone. Only the third teacher stays for four hours, we had to buy the second textbook. On Wednesday we had the book and the teacher starts on page ninety.
I had teaching for 40 years and I know a lot about teaching and I know this was not a good course. You will give an intensive course, then you have organized it very strict, so the pupils can study at home, and when new pupils streaming in, in middle of the course, they can look back in in the textbook.
I hope that my letter, you can stimulate to organize a good course for future students, your ideas are really nice.
The best parts about my 3-week experience were my instructor and my classmates. People came from different backgrounds and learning with them made for an interesting experience. And my teacher Laura was fantastic. She was able to easily excel assess where each student was and challenge them daily with interesting and fun exercises along with exercises from the textbook
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...As I said, the 20 hours, every day 4 hours were exciting and varied.
Our classroom was big enough for 7 persons. Even 10 to 12 persons would have room enough.
The teacher was nice and great in handling the laptop, which was the main medium in the lessons.
I liked talking units every day for training conversations. Every second day three was a new grammar theme and the teacher was able to explain all our problems with the Spanish grammar effectively.
There were some worksheets and I would have liked more working
sheets with the correct solutions in a written form afterwards on
the blackboard.
Writing a short text on our own once a week would have been a good idea.
The teacher and the office staff were very friendly and very helpful.
Best regards
My experience there was unforgettable ! I highly recommend El Rincon Del Tandem to every student who is willing to learn Spanish. The teachers are really experimented and they love to share the difference of cultures of students in their class. We learn a lot in 3 weeks. Overall, the administration is highly skilled and proposes a lot of activities to students. I personally loved the times "Charla en español", which aim is to gather students in order them to exercise Spanish, and which take place each week.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I loved the school because I found a really good environment which makes me feel like at home. The classes were composed by few students so the teachers could work more personalized with every students and the school makes also a lot of extra activities
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Excellent teaching and a friendly and welcoming environment. Perfect location for us - great area to be in (bars, restaurants, market etc). Facilities and social activities were all good. We met other students from different countries which made for a rich experience.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I really enjoyed the classes at this school. Firstly the teachers are very friendly and make the students very comfortable. The courses are adapted to different levels. Then a lot of activities are put in place which allows to practice better.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I had very good experience with this school. The teacher was excellent and I have learnt so much in just two weeks, I wish I could stay longer.
The other students were also very nice. The only thing I would improve is that there are quite a lot students in one class, you should open more classes :)
Learning español in el TÁNDEM was a great opportunity.
Teachers were very kind and taught very well.
The class was interesting and good because I could talk a lot.
It was good to meet students of various nationalities.
I think that the most important thing in any kind of school is the relationship teacher-student, and at the Escuela El Tandem I felt like a friend was teaching me Spanish! I'm still in touch with the people who work there! I loved it.
Victor and Francesca always smile and do their best for the students. It like being in a big group of friends doing stuff together, not just learning Spanish the "boring-standard-way".
Moreover, the school facility is neat and clean.
I've been to Escuela El Tandem for a month during spring 2017. I choose the intensive course because as i didn't speak any spanish i wanted to learn as much as i could in less time possible..and i had great time doing it!! first of all the school is really well located in the middle of russafa neighborhood, just behind the market. this means there are a lot of nice bars, shop and little restaurant all around. it's also very close to one of main street of valencia and to public transport. The school itself is nice and fully renewed, with every classroom bright and spacious. What i like the most has been the teachers, though. Viktor and the all team are really easy-going guys, prepared and capable not only to teach the grammar and the rules of the spanish language, but also to dip you into spanish mood and mentality. Class are divided into levels, so you share lessons with person at your same level of ability.The lessons are dynamic, alternating grammar with short games or more involving activities. People are really encouraged to communicate in spanish among them, especially in free time between lessons (maybe during almuerzo, in front of a cafè con leche y tostada - the best in town, by the way, it's just down the school
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...El Tandem is super friendly to all students and help their students a lot!
It was more like being friends, this is actually I prefer to small size school when I choose language school.
Teachers are professionals and friendly, not too many students in one class and have many activities organized by school itself!
My Spanish has been increased a lot with El Tandem, and met various friends there.
Strongly recommended!
This school is perfect from both points of view: the theoretical and the practical way to learn a language. There are different classes for different levels, and the activities and rides around the city let you practice what you study in class. I think I learnt more Spanish by hanging around the city with Victor and Francesca than just studying from any book. I'll always remember this wonderful stay in Valencia.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Loved the school! Classes and teachers are great. My Spanish has improved a lot, and I'm now able to keep a conversation, asking for directions, understanding people... I even went to a Movie Theater and watched a movie in Spanish without subtitles! The School is located right in the center of the city, easily accessible by bus, car or walking. Frequently they organize events or/ and lovely excursions nearby. That way I had the opportunity to visit the city and knowing about restaurants, coffee shops, bars and meeting other people. I enjoyed the time I spent at the Escuela El Tandem. That's why I highly recommend this experience.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The classes are always useful, even when the subject matter ranges from weekend plans to Spanish movies to the history of fiestas. The teachers are great at giving everyone a turn and equal time to speak and practice. The classrooms are light, bright and comfortable. Communication is quick and easy and the fees are reasonable. I especially like the effort the instructors go to to organize extracurricular events and celebrate birthdays or students' last days. El Tandém has a warm, friendly atmosphere with fantastic staff!
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...I appreciated quite all, Francesca y Victor were amazing and Victor also an amazing professor. I loved the activities proposed by the school and its location was perfect, near the city centre and in the most popular "barrio".
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.
Hyväksymiskirje lähetetään kotiosoitteeseesi postitse veloituksetta.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Valencia based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.
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