Executive Training Institute -Malta
ESE Building, Paceville Avenue,, St Julian's, St.Julian's STJ3103,, Malta
Executive Training Institute -Malta
Kuunteleminen, puhuminen, ääntäminen, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, sanavarasto, kielioppi ja Aktiviteetit
Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.
The General English 30 + course is designed specifically for mature students. The main objectives of this English Language training programme is to improve your accuracy in English; focusing on areas such as English grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. You will also have the opportunity to develop your confidence and therefore your fluency in English thereby enabling you to communicate more easily in English whether it is for work or personal reasons.
This course is for mature learners, at all levels who wish to develop their fluency and confidence in English and would like to become more accurate in their use of grammar, acquire a broader vocabulary and refine their pronunciation. There will be opportunities to improve the core language skills -listening, speaking , reading and writing, throughout the course.
Our General English course has been designed with mature students in mind. By participating in this training programme you benefit from dynamic group sessions with other like-minded trainees.
This training programme will give you the opportunity to improve your English in a stylish environment surrounded by other motivated trainees from around the world. You will focus on areas such as English grammar, English pronunciation and English vocabulary. You will also develop your fluency and accuracy in the 4 English language skills- writing, speaking, listening and reading.
You will be exposed to authentic materials and a variety of tools and resources such as current affair websites, to ensure that you receive a relevant, interactive, hands-on training experience.
This course will give you the opportunity to
Improve your accuracy in use of grammar, broaden your vocabulary and refine your pronunciationDevelop your fluency and confidence when speaking in EnglishDevelop practical communication skillsLearn how to socialise with other multinational learners
In addition, you will benefit from a subscription to our e-Learning online programme to further develop your language knowledge and skills. This service is available to you from registration until 3 months after the end of your course.
Keskimäärin | 4 opiskelijaa |
Enimmäismäärä | 6 opiskelijaa |
Ikäryhmä | 30 - 75 vuoden ikäinen |
Keskimäärin | 41 vuoden ikäinen |
ETI on kasvanut voimakkaasti, kun yhä useammat ammattilaiset tunnustavat tarpeen kehittää englantia tiettyihin tarkoituksiin. ETI: ssä tarjoamme ammattilaisena mahdollisuuden kehittää ammattitaitoisia kommunikaatiotaitojasi ja tulla tehokkaammiksi kommunikoijiksi seuraamalla jotakin erikoiskursseistamme. Haluatko parantaa neuvottelutaitojasi tai opiskella jossain opettajankoulutuskursseistamme, takaamme, että opintojaksomme auttavat sinua saavuttamaan oppimistavoitteesi.
Aikuisten ja ammattilaisten kielikoulutus
Autamme kansainvälisesti työskenteleviä henkilöitä kommunikoimaan
luotettavammin ja tehokkaammin englanniksi.
• Kurssit keskittyvät täysin harjoittelijoiden tarpeisiin ja oppimiseen
tavoitteet, jotta saavutat tavoitteet nopeammin ja tehokkaammin
• Kokeneet kouluttajamme ovat monipuolisia ammatillisia ja eri liike-elämän taustoista, heillä on arvostetun EFL-pätevyys (englanti vieraana kielenä) ja he noudattavat säännöllistä jatkokoulutusta
• Nykyaikaiset opetusmenetelmät ja uusimmat opetusresurssit, mukaan lukien interaktiiviset e-levyt ja internet-pohjaiset materiaalit
• ETI: n koulutusaikataulu antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden valita, kuinka monta kontaktituntia haluat varata, ja harjoitella englantia ja seurustu taitoja epävirallisessa ympäristössä taukojen aikana
• Kaikki asiakkaamme voivat käyttää ETI E-Flexin verkkokielen oppimisympäristöä, joka on rekisteröity rekisteröinnin jälkeen kolmeen kuukauteen kurssin jälkeen
ETI johtaa myös useita opettajankoulutusohjelmia ympäri vuoden. Näitä johtaa ETI: n tietty kouluttajaryhmä. Nämä opettajankoulutuskurssit voivat saada rahoitusta Erasmus + -ohjelmasta. www.teachertrainingmalta.com
Kansallisuus ja ik'jakauma Executive Training Institute -Malta vaihtelee kursseittain Ympärivuotisesti keski-ikä on 41 Kesällä keski-ikä on 41.
Koulussa on opiskelijoita kaikkialta maailmasta, mukaan lukien:
ETI ei pidä oppitunteja lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.
ETI toimii modernissa tarkoitukseensa rakennettussa koulutuskeskukseen, joka sijaitsee St Julian'sin sydämessä Maltalla.
Kun viehättävä kalastajakylä St. Julian on nyt kehittynyt yhdeksi Maltan halutuimmista asuin- ja matkailualueista. Se on kaupunki, jossa on jotain kaikenikäisille. ETI on kävelymatkan päässä monista viehättävistä lahdista, ravintoloista, hotelleista, pankeista, baareista, venesatamasta, elokuvateattereista, keilahallista ja kasinoista. Kalastajien käytössä on edelleen kahviloita ja ravintoloita vuorattu Spinola Bay, joka säilyttää osan vanhan kalastajakylän tyyliin veneen taloilla ja värikkäillä Maltan kalastusaluksilla (Luzzu).
The best part of the course was the teacher- patient, funny, kind, energetic.. and and my classmates- I have found 2 new friends from 2 different countries. The content of the course was perfect for me. I have learnt a huge number of apps and programmes which are interesting and inovative. I will definitely use them on my lessons. I appreciate the timing- afternoon we had time to explore Malta, we experienced trips to Valleta, Mdina...with an excellent guide - Mario. Thank the school for that! The price for the trips was fantastic! But... I must complain about one thing. I was in Malta and this institute for the first time, I didn´t know there is an option to be acommodated in the building upstairs. Nobody asked me/told me. I booked Tropicana hotel, which is located nearby, 1minute on foot...excellent location, but! The worst experience. Terrible conditions, dirty, poor breakfast, poor services etc, So please...inform participants about acommodation- where to stay? my classmates were in different hotel, but.. also complained about night bars below their windows, etc. It would be really helful if you help with best places where to stay and where not. THANK YOU,
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Our teacher was wonderful, she was engaging, encouraging, funny, well prepared and did her best to make us students feel comfortable and seen. I learned a lot!
The amount of students in the class was perfect, about 12-ish. The lessons were held at a hotel, which was nice, I would be nicer though if there was a coffee- machine availible as the there was (in my opinion) not enough time to buy drinks during the breaks.
I attended two guided tours, one to Valleta and one to Mdina, and I recommend them both!
I would never have imagined that I would get so much - for me new infomation on ICT skills in just one week. I liked our teacher, Jo Borg, a lot. She was so motivating and full of energy. - The problem was, however, that my IT knowledge was too basic for this course " Boost up your ICT skills in the classroom". I wish I could redo this course at a slower speed.
It's great that Jo has sent us all the documents, apps and information by email so that there is a chance to go over it again. On the other hand, I think I would really like to attend such a course again.
The classes are with good equipment. Teachears are great. I coul understand everything. Location is good, in the centre. I had first week Fluency and speaking lesons, they were useful, it remainded me english grammar, but they were teo ladies with better english then me, so they just tolked and I havent to much space to speak how I wanted. But the second week I have got The Playground Class - I am enjoying it so much. The lector- Lorenza is so great, she teach us nice activities for working with kids, she is amazing how she can give us information with lots of enthusiasm and passion. Big thank you
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Every thing was very well organised, from the airport pick up, to the classes.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...The classes were really great, except the first day, which was filled with theory. But I was tired after long flight so it could be because of that. From the second day on, the classes were really useful, full of new ideas or ideas I knew already with different usage. The teacher was helpful, always very well prepared. We did quite a lot of different activities but sometimes there was not enough time to practice them, nevertheless all of us were teachers so we could easily adopt them to our usage. The location is great not far from the capitol, the sea etc. As I organized my housing by myself I will skip this.
At the first day at school I would rather find my name on a list of names and find my classroom by myself. We had to wait for an hour than Sandra read all the names, which was difficult for her either. I understand that it was also kind of check whether we are all present , but it could have been done in the classrooms. And also in our course prize was included 1 trip and there should be 2 more afternoon activities which were due to covid measurements cancelled, but nobody told us whether they will be refund. Also the computer activities were not as helpful as it could be.
All in all I enjoyed the course, I was happy that I could underwent both weeks of this methodology course, which was not possible before I left.
I am confident that I had great experience at training and it will help me in the future.
Näytä yksityiskohdat » Lue lisää...Opiskelija-asuntolat on tarkoitettu itsenäisille opiskelijoille, jotka etsivät perustason siistiä majoitusta edulliseen hintaan. Kaikkien opiskelijoiden on oltava 18 - 81 ellei toisin mainita. Majoituksesi alkaa ensimmäistä oppituntia edeltävänä sunnuntaina ja päättyy viimeisen oppitunnin jälkeisenä lauantaina, vuotiaita ellei toisin mainita. Opiskelija-asuntolan hintaan ei usein kuulu aterioita. Lisätietoja opiskelija-asuntolamajoituksesta
Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
On mahdollista asua vuokra-asunnossaSt. Julians opiskelun ajan, mutta tämä on tyypillisesti kallis vaihtoehto. ETI tarjoaa rajoitettua apua asuntojen vuokrauksessa. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit hannkia oman vuokra-asunnon. Lisätietoa vuokra-asunnoista
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals
Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.
Hyväksymiskirje lähetetään kotiosoitteeseesi postitse veloituksetta.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to St. Julians based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.
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