Business English Morning

LASC Language Scholastics


Kielikurssin aiheita

Kuunteleminen, puhuminen, ääntäminen, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, sanavarasto, kielioppi ja Aktiviteetit


Kielikurssin kesto
1-24 viikkoa
Joka maanantai
Oppitunteja viikossa
18 lessons per week (jokainen oppitunti kestää 50 min)
maanantai - torstai
Koulun loma-ajat
23 syys 2024 - 27 syys 2024, 14 loka 2024, 11 marras 2024, 28 marras 2024 - 29 marras 2024, 23 joulu 2024 - 03 tammi 2025, 24 joulu 2024 - 25 joulu 2024

LASC Language Scholastics ei pidä oppitunteja yllämainittujien lomien aikana. Koulu ei korvaa menetettyjä opiskelupäiviä, joten valitse aloituspäiväsi huolellisesti.


You can choose from the following class times:

09.00.00 - 13.30.00

Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.

Kielikurssin kuvaus

LASC’s Business English program is a one-year multi-level program which uses a research-based curriculum for upper-intermediate to advanced students. The aim of the program is to develop and enhance students’ abilities to communicate in commercial and cross-cultural communication settings involving business. It is designed for students with aspirations to become business professionals and entrepreneurs and for those who wish to continue their studies in undergraduate or graduate business programs.

Why Business English?
Students who wish to work in fields such as marketing, finance, accounting, international trade, or business can greatly benefit from studying in LASC’s Business English program. It is not enough to have general knowledge of English to be successful in business. Rather, particular vocabulary, effective communication skills, and a broad knowledge of different areas of business is crucial. Our program will give you the advantage d to achieve results in the business world

The Business English program at LASC comprises eight courses which collectively focus on giving students a broad understanding of the business world today while guiding their English language development. Each course covers topics related to business as well as language skills. Furthermore, the curriculum focuses on the most commonly used English words, expressions, and grammatical structures in the business topic of the course. The curriculum will integrate online workbooks, score tracking, and phone-based apps to provide the support needed to study English. LASC is also one of the first ESL schools to introduce virtual reality instruction within its curriculum to give students a real-life experience that goes beyond the four walls of our classrooms.

Program Objectives
By the end of this program, students will have learned about business and the use of English in business settings. They will have learned cultural knowledge, language skills, and communication strategies to be successful employees or employers in an English-speaking work environment. Finally, they will broaden their fluency in the English language to communicate in all manner of settings.

Project-Based Courses
Hands-on experience is crucial for practical knowledge. That’s why many of the courses in our Business English program give students opportunities to show what they’ve learned through solo or group-based projects and presentations. For example, the English for the Media course has students team up to research and present real case studies of business’s online marketing and advertising efforts. In English for Job Hunting, students will spend time writing a CV that is custom-tailored to their specific business field of interest. By collaborating with LASC instructors and classmates, students will build on the language and business skills they have practiced by identifying and solving problems that exist in business settings.

Program Structure
Our one-year Business English program consists of eight, unique courses, and is open to upper-intermediate to advanced level students. The courses are taught by instructors who have experience teaching business English classes or by instructors with a business background. Each course is twelve weeks long, and two courses are offered each quarter. The courses may be completed in any order, allowing students to weave between our English as a Second Language or English for Academic Purposes programs to best suit their academic needs. Students who complete all eight courses of the one-year program will receive a certificate of completion, showing a commitment to furthering their skills in business and the English language.

Career Counseling
The skills you’ll learn in your business English classes will help you go far in your academic and professional pursuits, and LASC teachers and student representatives are here for you to provide support and direction. With their vast knowledge of the southern California college and university system, they can help you find a program that best suits you. Moreover, you’ll have an advantage in your academic or professional field, especially if you complete our program and earn your certificate of completion. Whether you’re ready to return to the working world in your country or you’re applying to a top MBA program, we’re here to help you get where you want to go.

Please note that this course is eligible both for a B1/B2 tourist visa (or an Esta) and for a F-1 visa.

Ryhmän taso

ylempi keskitaso
Tulet suorittamaan ensimmäisenä kurssipäivänä tasokokeen, jonka avulla ryhmätasosi määritellään.


Keskimäärin 15 opiskelijaa
Enimmäismäärä 25 opiskelijaa

Opiskelijan ikä

Ikäryhmä 16 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Keskimäärin 21 vuoden ikäinen


Lopputodistus annetaan kielikurssin päätteksi.
Lue lisää...


  • Rakennus 1/6
  • Kerhohuone 2/6
  • Luokkahuone 3/6
  • Tietokonehuone 4/6
  • Kirjasto 5/6
  • Sisäänkäynti 6/6


Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.

Jos aiot opiskella Yhdysvalloissa kokopäiväisesti enemmän kuin 18 tuntia viikossa, saat I-20 -lomakkeen joka on toimitettava USA:n suurlähetystöön yhdessä F -1 viisumihakemuksen kanssa. I-20 -lomakkeessa on mukana SEVIS hakunumero. Opiskelijoiden, jotka anovat viisumia on maksettava SEVIS maksu verkossa ennen USAN:n konsulaatissa ja suurlähetystössä tapahtuvaa haastattelua.

I-20 -kaavake lähetetään kotiosoitteeseesi postitse veloituksetta. jos haluat saada materiaalit pikakirjeenä, siitä veloitetaan rekisteröitymisen yhteydessä $100 maksu.

Ole hyvä ja ota huomioon, että Yhdysvaltain lakien mukaan I-20 voidaan myöntää ainoastaan opiskelijoille, jotka opiskelevat englantia kokopäivätoimisesti. F-1 viisuminhaltija ei ole oikeutettu osa-aikaiseen työhön Yhdysvaloissa oleskelun aikana. Jos opiskelet englantia vähemmän kuin 18 tuntia viikossa, tulee sinun anoa itsenäisesti vierailuviisumia (B1/B2).

Lisätietoja siitä, kuinska saada Yhdysvaltain opiskelijaviisumi »

Lennot ja lentokenttävaihdot

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Irvine based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.

Lisätietoja vakuutussuunnitelmastamme »

Lue lisää...

Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia

Kysymyksiä? Saat vastauksia majoituspaikan LASC Language Scholastics henkilökunnalta ja aiemmilta opiskelijat.

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